Our Mission
To use Main Street program techniques to organize around projects and activities that bring people to downtown Albion, promote historic preservation and downtown beautification, and positively influence the downtown economic climate.
Our Vision
Albion's Historic Courthouse Square District, a National Register of Historic Places landmark, stands as the heart of county governance and a lively gathering spot. Here, the echoes of history resonate, community converges, and commerce thrives. The District serves as a gateway to the natural beauty and defining attractions that characterize Noble County's way of life.
Albion STAR Team is an assumed business name that operates under the Courthouse Square Preservation Society, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization. The Albion STAR Team is a member of Indiana's Office of Community and Rural Affairs Downtown Affiliate Network, associated with Indiana Main Street.
Albion STAR Team is striving to use a proven program called Main Street America to make downtown Albion a vibrant, welcoming place for all. The Main Street program, established by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, began in 1977 and is operated by the National Main Street Center. The Main Street program emphasizes a four-point strategy: Team–Organization, Promotion, Design/Projects, and Economic Development.
The Main Street program techniques are used for:
Organizing a team of businesses, property owners, bankers, citizens, public officials, and chambers of commerce.
Working together on projects and activities to promote historic preservation and downtown beautification.
Influencing the downtown economic climate.
The STAR Team's membership consists of any individual who lives or works in Albion and supports the mission. Members are invited to meet once each year for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors to govern the organization.
Contact us to learn more, donate, or get involved.

As an OCRA’s Downtown Affiliate Network member, Albion STAR Team is part of a statewide network of designated communities who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities.
Lori Gagen -- President
(260) 564-4556 | lorianngagen@gmail.com
Steven Hook -- Vice President
Organization Committee Chair
(260) 409-0967 | shook@nobleco.us
Mary Ann Troutner -- Treasurer
Program Committee Chair
(260) 564-0341 | troutners4@gmail.com
Gary Gatman -- Secretary
Economic Development Chair
Pattie Gatman
Dawn Jones, Design/Projects Chair
Ann Kilgore
Helen Newman
Everett Newman
Evonne Taylor
Kayla Traylor
The S.T.A.R. Team is striving to use a proven program called Main Street America to build a vibrant downtown.

This group is involved with gathering volunteers from the community’s public and private entities to work together for the renewal of the downtown. This group helps with building the foundation of a board with its structure of sub-committees. A strong organization provides the stability to build and maintain a long-term effort.
The Organization sub-committee is also responsible for introducing the community to the S.T.A.R. Team, raising funds for supporting the revitalization effort, volunteer outreach, and maintaining a web presence for communicating S.T.A.R. Team activities with the community.
Steven Hook, Chair
(260) 409-0967
This group is involved with the selling of the unique characteristics and possibilities of downtown through marketing campaigns carried out by local volunteers. This group looks for projects to enforce a positive image of the downtown area to shoppers, visitors, and investors of both new and existing businesses.
This sub-committee is also responsible for planning First Friday events–held on the first Friday of every month from May through October, planning special events, and image campaigns.
Mary Ann Troutner, Chair
(260) 564-0341
This group focuses on projects that will bring beautification and historic preservation to the structures and environment of downtown. Their goal is to provide an inviting atmosphere by enhancing downtown’s best assets while adding new features.
This sub-committee is also responsible for a Building Inventory–identify those structures requiring immediate attention, assistance with Facade Projects, and other beautification projects such as a proposed lighting of the Courthouse Bell Tower.
Dawn Jones, Chair
This group seeks ways to grow existing downtown businesses while finding ways to turn empty space into productive property.
This sub-committee is responsible for Facade Improvement projects–choose one business and implement a plan to improve it’s facade, providing Market Analysis Market Workshops for local businesses, and for keeping contact with local businesses.
Gary Gatman, Chair

Our Goals
The S.T.A.R. Team’s vision is to revitalize Albion’s downtown square to be a community meeting place and a commercial center. We hope to do this with four primary focuses:
- rallying and equipping volunteers
- grant writing/finding assistance
- beautification teams
- event hosting
Volunteers are needed from many diverse areas, including business and property owners, bankers, citizens, public officials, and members of the Albion Chamber of Commerce.
In order to see the plans of a revitalized downtown square become a reality, we need your help. Join us!